Welcome to my shrine for my classic literature object-of-autism, also known as Sherlock Holmes! This page is still in heavy development, so apologies for how messy it all still is.

I'm not entirely sure where my love for Holmes started. I think I first read any of them back in middle school, borrowing my mom's crunchy old Kindle one day. I have a very vivid memory of being stuck at our local 4H fair, because my dad was running what we called the "Cook Shack", and being bored to tears. So, I borrowed my mom's Kindle and just read for a few hours.

Since then, I've developed a strange sort of...niche, I suppose, opinion on Holmes. The only mainstream version I like is the one from the RDJ films--more on that on the biases page--and my other favorites are all very, very specific versions that only a handful of people even care about. Still, I care about this strange, emotionally stunted Victorian-era detective more than a normal person!

And, just for the record, fuck BBC Sherlock. It sucks, and is one of if not the worst versions of Holmes out there. It's fun to watch and laugh at, but I just don't like it much at all.